
East Sussex Health and Care Partnership Board

 DRAFT Key messages from the meeting – 2nd June 2023


 Launched in September 2019, the East Sussex Health and Care Partnership Board (PB) is accountable to our East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board, which oversees how well we work together as a system in East Sussex. This also feeds into our Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS). Through aligning organisational plans across health, social care and wellbeing at Place (East Sussex) within our ICS, the focus for the Partnership Board is to coordinate and help shape the following developments:
 • Our East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy ‘Healthy Lives, Healthy People’ (2022 – 27) and associated partnership plans, which set out what we need to do to drive the developments required to meet the health and care needs of our population and improve health outcomes. This is done through agreeing our local priorities for collaboration and our contribution to the wider Sussex Integrated Care Strategy, to help achieve NHS Long Term Plan ambitions 
 • Our proposals for how our organisations can best organise ourselves to deliver our plans as a place-based partnership in 2023/24 and beyond, as described in our Shared Delivery Plan
 • Further developing our approach to population health and care commissioning in East Sussex to deliver improved outcomes and reduce health inequalities
 The membership embraces broad representation to help impact on the wider determinants of health. This includes East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, East Sussex borough and district councils, Healthwatch and the East Sussex Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance and the twelve Primary Care Networks in East Sussex, alongside NHS Sussex and East Sussex County Council as statutory health and social care commissioners. Everyone on the Partnership Board (PB) feeds back to a broader constituency, and we have agreed to capture the key messages from each meeting to support this. 

The Partnership Board met on the 2 June 2023 and reviewed the draft Sussex Integrated Care Strategy Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) from the perspective of the East Sussex population, building on initial discussions at the meeting in March 2023. This focus in March was on the high-level milestones being developed to support delivery of shared priorities in the following areas in 2023/24:

·         Ongoing focus on our existing shared delivery priorities aimed at improving population health and increasing prevention, early intervention and integrated care across the services for children and young people, mental health, community, urgent care and planned care.

·         Within this there was support for two new areas of focus in 2023/24:


o   Collaborating to co-design and deliver ‘whole system’ pathway improvements for cardiovascular disease (CVD), respiratory disease, mental health and frailty/healthy ageing, to both improve health outcomes in the long term and impact on current need for services.

o   Developing the ‘proof-of-concept’ for the core Integrated Community Teams model to support integrated health, care and wellbeing.  In East Sussex this will be tested and developed in Hastings, with further phases of implementation activity across the county.

At that time, members of the Board were keen to engage further with crafting and determining what integrated community teams means for East Sussex, with a clear message around what it means for our populations and making best use of the opportunities to underpin the existing assets and networks that support broader resilience in communities.  This included making best use of strategic alliances with the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector at both a Place (East Sussex) level and an ICS (Sussex) level where helpful.


Key messages from the 2nd June meeting

At the June meeting the full draft Sussex Shared Delivery Plan was considered, including further detail about the East Sussex milestones and refreshed partnership and programme governance to support delivery at the Sussex and Place level, with the following views:

·         Overall support for the Shared Delivery Plan and the three areas of delivery covering shared Sussex Strategy long term improvements, immediate and continuous areas of improvement for the NHS, and the fourth covering delivery of the three HWB Strategies and plans specifically for East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton and Hove.

·         The comprehensive nature of pulling together delivery targets across the totality of NHS delivery alongside partnership plans that focus on shared priorities was recognised, with the need to connect financial targets together with activity changes, and widening access to services to support recovery in the most efficient way.

·         The holistic approach being taken to improving health outcomes in East Sussex was welcomed, as this will ensure a strong focus on prevention as well as better and more joined up care for those who need it.  It was felt that the proposed changes to our partnership programme governance to reflect this new priority focus would support effective delivery, enabling us to join up the work on health outcomes with our model for integrated community teams.

·         In relation to the proposed eleven Sussex-wide Delivery Boards there was enthusiasm to be involved, balanced with the need to be clear about the nature of partnership priorities and where collective energy and effort will add the most value.  It was felt that sharing representation on some of the Boards collectively across Places and sectors will help to ensure our capacity can focus on local implementation and delivery of plans.

·         In the context of investing energy in new alliances emerging at a Sussex level to enable a helpful focus on areas of commonality and Sussex-wide approaches (for example for the VCSE), the importance of having the space to maintain collaborative relationships that have built up over time to support delivery capacity with partners in local areas to meet the needs of local people, was also underlined.

·         Similarly, liaison with the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) about healthcare issues that are common across Sussex is helpful for the three Healthwatch organisations to undertake collectively.

·         To complement the existing strong arrangements across the huge amount of activity and services working together at a Place level to ensure children and young people have the best start in life, and that this continues well into adulthood, a pan-Sussex approach will be extremely valuable to forward some aspects of children and young people’s services, for example where care needs and pathways are complex. 

·         Overall, time should be given for new statutory ICS arrangements to continue to mature and enable shared understanding to grow about the issues and challenges, and where working together on a pan-Sussex level across all three Places will realise benefits through increasing momentum and pace.


The other items reviewed at the meeting were as follows:

·         The Partnership formally agreed minor changes to update the Partnership Board terms of reference as part of the East Sussex Health and Care Partnership governance refresh exercise, ensuring it is fit for purpose to mutually oversee delivery of East Sussex plans and milestones in the SDP.  These will be used as a working document in 2023/24 as the roles of Sussex and Place continue to be developed.

·         The Partnership Board agreed to champion and advocate a new approach to the creative arts in Public Health across our membership and constituencies as part of wider work on Culture and Public Health strategies in the County. Evidence shows that the creative arts are a crucial resource that can mitigate against the ill effects of social health determinants and protect mental health and wellbeing, supported through actions that cut across the public, private and voluntary sectors. Creative interventions have been associated with improvements in well-being and social wellbeing, slower declines in cognition, reduced levels of isolation and loneliness and lower mortality rates.  The new focus will help to ensure that current good practice, awareness of the population health benefits, and commissioning practice can be strengthened to widen access to the benefits across our whole population.

·         The Partnership Board also considered the findings from the Healthwatch Listening Tour in Eastbourne were also discussed, in response to the Health and Wellbeing Board’s request. The members of the Board agreed to use the recommendations and messages to help inform organisations’ plans where appropriate, and provide feedback at the next meeting.

Background notes on the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy Shared Delivery Plan

The Sussex Integrated Care StrategyImproving Lives Together’ was agreed by the Sussex Health and Care Assembly in December 2022 following endorsement by the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board at its meeting on 13 December. The Sussex Strategy builds on our East Sussex Health and Wellbeing StrategyHealthy Lives, Healthy People’ (2022 – 2027), and sets out our ambition for a healthier future for everyone in Sussex over the next five years.  It includes the following priorities:


·         Growing and supporting our Sussex health and care workforce


Covering the period 2022 – 2027, the Improving Lives Together aims to improve the lives of everyone living in Sussex now and in the future and will address the needs of all our communities.  Covering all ages across the whole life course it will:


·      Help local people start their lives well;

·      Help local people to live their lives well;

·      Help local people to age well;

·      Help local people get the treatment, care and support they need when they do become ill.


This ambition is focussed on a new community-based approach, which will work with and within different communities to better understand local population needs and respond in the best possible way. Overall, this will enable a greater focus on keeping people healthy, supporting all aspects of people’s lives and the specific needs of children and young people.


To support this a 5-year joint forward plan (known in Sussex as the Shared Delivery Plan or SDP) is being brought together.  This will support alignment of our key partnership delivery plans across the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy and the East Sussex HWB Strategy, at a Sussex and Place (East Sussex) level, and delivery of the annual NHS Operational priorities for 2023/24.


An initial draft SDP focussing on year 1 (2023/24) milestones was submitted to NHSE in March 2023, and endorsed for further development by our NHS ICB.  The finalised SDP will be submitted to NHSE by 30 June 2023 and will cover the high-level milestones for year 1 and a roadmap for delivery in years 2-5. As part of the development of the SDP, the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) must determine whether the draft plan takes proper account of HWB strategies and plans.


For more information please contact: Vicky Smith, Programme Director – East Sussex Health and Care Transformation: